In October 2017 we started a local chapter of Women Who WP, and we had a series of great meetings. But we noticed, more and more, that the workshops meetings have been very well received, and, frankly, about half the attendees have been men! Go figure! We also noticed our Women Who WP topic meetings were not as well attended. At July’s workshop meeting, we had some very beginners attending, and everyone was getting a lot of one-on-one help with their WordPress sites.
After much discussion among the co-organizers, we determined the workshops were best meeting the needs of our IE market and, knowing it was for the better, we dissolved the Women Who WP group and created IEWP Workshops, a subgroup of Inland Empire WordPress. Our topic nights will be absorbed into the general and advanced meetups, and we strongly encourage you to attend those, too.
We want to thank the WWWP moms, Jen Miller and Bridget Willard from Women Who WP Orange County, who inspired us to start the IE chapter of WWWP in the first place. We couldn’t have done it without their support. And we are grateful for the support of our IEWP leadership. They’ve just started a chapter up in Pasadena, if you’re interested. Visit their site.
IEWP Workshops encourages EVERYONE to attend, female or male, old or young, beginner/intermediate/advanced. Those more advanced can help the others if they wish. We’ll keep the introductions and announcements minimal so you can dive right in and get some help. There is no question that is too basic. We’re here for you!
We will still be meeting on the 2nd Thursday of every month at the Riverside I/O at 7pm. Be sure to RSVP! Eat before you come, bring your laptop, bring your local server installed on your laptop (if you don’t have one, we will get you set up on DesktopServer), and get ready to get or give some help. Free wifi is available for all.
Make sure you have admin access to your WordPress site. If someone else set up your site for you, make sure they give you admin access. You’ll need it.
We look forward to seeing you!