Home Page Forums General Discussion Discussion regarding Beginners Day for WordCamp Riverside 2019 Reply To: Discussion regarding Beginners Day for WordCamp Riverside 2019

Joshua Knapp

What the goal of Beginners Day would be to get people to the point where they could follow along with the talks of the next two days.

One of the biggest comments we got last year was a lot of people weren’t to the point where they had a WordPress site setup, and they were lost even for the more basic talks.

I was thinking a session on Friday 9am to 1pm, walking people through setting up a local install WordPress, how to install themes and plugins from the repo, how to work with a host, and finally best practices.

Those are typically not items people talk about in sessions, as we have a habit of thinking everyone already knows those basic steps.

We wouldn’t need to source out speakers for the Beginners Day as we already have a plan for it, and people that can cover the different items.

  • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Joshua Knapp. Reason: Explain the lack of need to looking for speakers for first day